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Prostate Massage Orgasms


Discover how prostate massage can lead to prostate massage orgasms and even deeper spiritual trance states for gays.

This type of massage was originally developed by Joe Kramer to allow totally safe sexual contact without any risk of aids or sexually transmitted diseases.

Important Tip In Prostate Massage

One of the important methods during the massage is this. 

Ask the person being massaged to make all the effort on the in breath, and on the out breath, to totally relax.

It is also good to ask the man to make some sounds on the out breath.

The mouth should also be open on the out breath. This allows the energy to build up in the body leading to a more of a whole body experience.

General Tips For Prostate Massage

·         Set up at least one hour of time for this massage.

·         Have a warm room and music to suit.

·         One can use silk, feathers and fur at the beginning for a sensual touch before you use any oil

·         Make sure the oil is warm using the oil container in hot water

·         Start very slowly with long gliding strokes over the body

·         The start and end of each stroke should be very smooth and gentle as this feels very sensual and erotic.

·         One can use swedish massage techniques on the back and legs for relaxation.

·         One should use lots of lubrication for any prostate massage

·         It is good to wear vinyl gloves to avoid any contact with body fluids.

·         The prostate is located inside the anus about 1 inch in on the upper wall facing the front of the body.

·         There are many massage strokes you can do on the prostate so experiment.

One ends the massage with a big draw. To do this, take a deep breath and hold and contract all muscles in the body for 10 seconds or so.


Now totally relax and let go and you will find energy moving into the body and you usually drop into a trance state.


One can also have multiple orgasmic experiences without ejaculation during this time.


For more R rated tips, see oral sex orgasms .


Dirty talking is another way to drive a woman into her sexual pleasure.


This allows a man to get into his more masculine energy and this really turns on most women.


Read my free 25 dirty talking phases.


Great sex is your birthright!


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